Visions of the future

Corpo is a vision for a world in which Corporations have replaced both church and state. Inspired by books like Snow Crash and 1984, Corpo is a black mirror into what we may one day become. The story of Corpo was imagined as an HBO show much like Westworld.

The project brief required me to design a display booth for a Comic Con Like Event.

Welcome to Your Assignment Day


The ultimate goal of the Booth was to generate hype for the CORPO series, so I designed a unique user experience that directly related to the show. In the world of CORPO is dominated by three mega corporations and your entire life path and career is based on your corporate overlord/ deity. The troupe of “the sorting” is prevalent throughout young adult science fiction and fantasy. We see it in everything from Harry Potter, to The Hunger Games. So the booth immersed the audience into their own sorting experience.

So the booth works as follows. Guests, whom we call “Corpo Graduates” fill out a personality test in line. They are ushered on stage by “Corpo Security Guards” (Actors) and are sat into one of the three chairs on stage. The spokeswoman makes a few good natured jokes towards the Graduates as they are then sorted into their own corporation. Once they are done they are escorted behind the stage which serves as a gift shop selling promotional items for the show.

The user experience uses the exit through the gift shop model we see at amusement parks like Disneyland. The video below explains just what the user will experience.


The Video

Playing on a video wall on the stage is Corpo’s on boarding video that explains how each graduate will be assigned their job in this dystopian society.

